@extends('layout.app') @section('content')

Privacy Policy

Googoz is committed to protect customer privacy, understanding the concerns for personal security upon order placements or the sharing of personal information online. www.googoz.com uses the best in class secured hosting infrastructure especially when it comes to payment security certificates. All orders are processed through VeriSign industry standard encryption and no other info is stored following our strict IT security policy compliance guidelines. Googoz may use customer contact information for marketing emails and newsletters to increase awareness towards our online shopping experience. All Customer personal information under any circumstances shall not be released, sold or rented to any third party. Googoz guarantees to protect all online shoppers against payments data and transactions. All Customers are protected against unauthorized charges made by credit cards when shopping at www.googoz.com. Our Secure Socket Layer (SSL) 128-bit software is the industry standard and among the best software available today for secure online ecommerce transactions. Encryption of all personal information, payments info, name, address is secured to counter any mishap of information travelling over the Internet.
