@extends('layout.app') @section('meta-title', $brand->name . ' Products | Googoz IT Hardware and Solution Provider') @section('meta-description', 'Explore a wide range of ' . $brand->name . ' products at Googoz, your trusted online IT hardware and solution provider. With an extensive portfolio and comprehensive technical skills, we offer innovative distribution solutions to support our reseller channel. Find the latest ' . $brand->name . ' products and request a quote today.') @if(empty($brand->keywords)) @section('meta-keywords', $brand->name. ' IT hardware, ' .$brand->name. ' IT hardware hub, ' .$brand->name. ' IT Solutions, ' .$brand->name. ' Technology Solutions, ' .$brand->name. ' Business Solutions, ' .$brand->name. ' Corporate Solutions') @else @section('meta-keywords', $brand->keywords) @endif @section('content')
With an extensive portfolio of products and comprehensive technical skills, Googoz delivers a solution-led and innovative approach to distribution to assist and support our reseller channel.